

On Magical Thinking

Once upon a time in a warehouse-turned-church-auditorium not that far away, I was a teenage girl who believed in magic. The magic of a God who loved me, who was always there to give me victory over emotions or head colds and reveal his perfect will for my life. The

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Therapy is Woefully Inadequate P2

In Part 1, on my last blog, I said, because we are collectivist people living in individualist societies, therapy is woefully inadequate and, it’s what we have right now. Another way in which therapy is woefully inadequate, is in the rigid way we tend to ‘do’ therapy. I’ve been following the work

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Therapy is Woefully Inadequate.

I’m still thinking through what it means for me having lost so much through leaving church, and I find the concept of domains helpful. We have the domains of family, work, contribution and service, our inner worlds and then belonging to groups like faith communities, sports clubs and other interests, like hobbies.

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Spiritual Bypassing

I remember as a teenager hearing a church youth leader say ‘no actually I don’t have a cold’ (snot congesting her nose and looking awful), I’m not accepting it in Jesus name.’ While this is tame in comparison to friends who were told to go back to abusive husbands and

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