

Therapy is Woefully Inadequate.

I’m still thinking through what it means for me having lost so much through leaving church, and I find the concept of domains helpful. We have the domains of family, work, contribution and service, our inner worlds and then belonging to groups like faith communities, sports clubs and other interests, like hobbies.

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We need more people.

It’s funny isn’t it that when we start to think about, or focus on a particular thing, it seems to pop up everywhere. There’s science to this phenomenon that I’ll leave for another day, but it’s happened to me this last few weeks. I’ve been spending a of time on Substack recently.

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The Body Keeps the Score & is the Key to Healing.

We heal powerfully when we can find practices and rituals that have meaning for us. When we connect with people who’ll help us carry some of the load and reflect back to us that we belong. These signal to our bodies that we can move through our pain to healing. The body keeps the score but can know relief in connection, to ourselves and our community.

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I send out a weekly email called “How to Be Ok”, about ways to find your centre when life feels big.
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