On collapsing across the line

Here’s a list of symptoms:

Fatigue or illness Cynicism Despair

Irritability Reduced productivity Feelings of hopelessness

Exhaustion Nightmares

Re-experiencing an overwhelming event


Avoidance of people or activities

Persistent anger and sadness.

What do you think they are describing?

They could be used to identify Trauma and Burnout. They look and feel the same. Burnout isn’t being tired. It’s being bone tired. Frozen, frazzled. And trauma alters our worldview.

Burnout is work related (includes parenting and caring) and trauma has a broader scope, but both conditions have emotional exhaustion at their core.

As we get closer to the end of the year I can feel my body’s resistance to long days and the heaviness behind my eyes is real. I’m getting better at resting without apology and resting before I’m really at my edge. Resting includes laying down perfectionism and the weight of people’s expectations.

You don’t have to earn rest. It’s essential for you to be able to be present to your people and your work. If you need support reach out.

Go gently.

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